The following article sheds light on the importance of gender analysis. It discusses four key steps for analysis, that are:
- Designing and Planning
- Data Collection
- Identify Gender Inequalities
- Designing Informed Policies
Along with this, you will also learn when to do an analysis as well as different levels of gender analysis.
What is Gender Analysis?
The analysis of gender refers to a range of methods that guide you to collect information and integrate a gender perspective into policies, programs, and projects.
It is used to explore and understand the relationship between and among men and women, their access to resources, power, and the constraints they face in society.
It also provides in-depth information that highlights the status of women and men in terms of their race, religion, age, ethnicity and disability, etc.
This information then helps us to understand and plan how to intervene and promote gender equality.
Why is Gender Analysis Important?
It is important to understand the role of women and men in society at different levels. How policies and programs benefit different segments of society.
Carrying gender analysis is important for the social and economic development of society. A comprehensive analysis of gender helps to evaluate the impact of policies and programs on men and women.
It helps to identify and address discrimination in society. Hence, the purpose is to recognize the needs of men and women and to address those needs throughout the process of policymaking.
The analysis also helps and reveals the thinking patterns and perspectives of men and women. This not only promotes the participation of different genders but plays a vital role in developing informed, effective, and gender-aware policies.
When to Carry Gender Analysis?
Gender analysis can be executed at any stage of the policy cycle or project but it is ideal to do in the initial design stages.
Analyzing gender before designing a policy or a program gives you a picture of the existing gender situation in a society or organization.
Despite that, after a policy or a program is implemented the analysis can be carried out during the monitoring and evaluation phase.
At this stage, the analysis can give insights and information about the success of the policy by exploring if the intervention fulfills the needs of women and men.
At What Level Gender Analysis can be Conducted?
Analysis of gender can be carried out at different levels. Broadly, there are three levels that you can conduct gender analysis.
1. Micro-level
This level is focused on households and smaller communities. It analyzes the role and relationship of men and women. It explores their needs and priorities in a specific context with consideration to the culture and religion.
2. Meso-level
This level falls in between the micro and macro levels. It targets larger communities and organizations. The analysis is focused on institutional or organizational services and operations. It explores whether the service provisions are gender-neutral or not. And are women and men equally treated or not.
3. Macro-level
This level captures policies at the national and international levels. It involves analysis of legislation and explores whether policies are gender inclusive or not. And how a policy affects the lives of men and women.
Four Steps to Carry Gender Analysis
As mentioned above the analysis of gender is an important pillar that gives a clear picture of the socio-economic development of a country.
Conducting gender analysis unfolds inequalities in society and gives a path to understanding social and legal structures as well as the behavior, involvement and activities of women and men toward economic development.
To execute a successful gender analysis following steps are suggested.
1. Designing and Planning
Before jumping into the analysis of gender you should find the answers to some questions. This will help you in designing the gender analysis by choosing the right strategy.
- The first thing is to find the answer to WHY and WHAT. Why do you want to conduct a gender analysis? What is the information that you need to know? What is the objective of the analysis? What is the problem that needs to be solved?
- Second, who is your target group? Are they women, men, both or some other gender?
- Next, at what level you will conduct the analysis? Is it micro, meso or macro level? when designing the gender analysis.
When defining the target group, it is important to be sure about how gender is perceived in a society or culture.
Keep in mind that gender varies from society to society. Additionally, be aware of social categories such as age, class, ethnicity, religion, disability, etc.
2. Data Collection
Collecting data and information is the very first step in analyzing the situation of gender. These are the points that should be considered in the data collection stage.
- You should always start with the secondary data. Explore what type of data is already available. Existing qualitative and quantitative research findings provide a baseline for the given problem.
- After exploring existing data, you can identify a lack of information and data gaps. Then design a research methodology, qualitative or quantitative as required, and questions or surveys that fill the data gaps.
- Focus on sex-disaggregated data i.e. you should count both women and men separately while gathering data. Additionally, it is important to collect disaggregated data on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, disability, and any other group of society.
Sex-disaggregated data helps in planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating development policies and activities. It helps to identify inadequate data and gives a clear picture of the gender disparity situation in a given context.
The quantitative data gives figures and percentages, such as the number of men or women using a facility or the number of girls going to school.
Whereas, qualitative data provides an opportunity to get input from both women and men separately. Such as how a policy or program is negatively or positively impacting them or is there no impact at all.
Gathering such details helps to understand how different segments of society are impacted by a policy or program. Collecting disaggregated information is the basic requirement for developing gender-sensitive policies and programs.
3. Identify Gender Inequalities
After gathering data, the next step is to discover inequalities in and between men and women. The knowledge gained should be included in all the stages of the policy or program cycle.
In this step following points can be considered.
- Measure data to uncover and address barriers and constraints that different genders face in enjoying equal and full benefits of a policy or a program.
- Identify the autonomy of different genders. Such as who has the authority to take decisions in a household or community and this impacts on other gender.
- What work is done and who does it? Explore the gender division of labor within household, community, workplace or organization.
- Measure ownership of resources and assets in a household, community, workplace or organization. Like who has what and who benefits from it? Owner and control over land, property, technology, and capital, etc.
Try to study the problem with a solution-oriented approach that accommodates the needs of both women and men. Identifying gender differences is crucial because ignoring this step may increase existing inequalities and may widen the gender gap of discrimination.
4. Designing Informed Policies
Analyzing data and identifying gender inequalities will provide a guideline to adjust the objectives and indicators of the planned intervention. Hence,
- Be sure that your intervention is aligned with the policy objective and that it fulfills the needs of women and men.
- Design policies by keeping in view their potential impact on the lives of men and women of different ages, class, ethnicities, religions, etc.
- Be aware of women and men’s participation and representation in the targeted policy area, their rights, and control over and use of resources.
- Along with this, be sure to acknowledge social norms that are aligned with policy interventions and how they impact different gender and their roles and relationships.
- Identify gender differences and plan interventions that discourage gender stereotypes and promotes gender equality.
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Concluding Remarks
Gender analysis that leads to gender equality is preliminary in developing gender-neutral policies and programs. A rigorous gender analysis that responds to the needs of different segments of society will ensure sound and credible policies.
Gender is a transversal theme that is integrated at different levels in a community and society. Therefore, gender analysis is essential for the success of any policy or program. The outcomes of a gender analysis guide to design and develop informed interventions.
What is Gender Analysis?
Gender analysis refers to the method of evaluating data and information about women and men, their relationship, power, their access and use to resources and the division of labor. This information then guides to develop policies and programs with a gender perspective.
Why is Gender Analysis Important?
A comprehensive gender analysis helps policymakers recognize gender inequalities in society and institutions. It unfolds the status of different genders and explores the causes and effect of gender inequality in a given situation. This information helps to design policies that target the underlying issues and promote gender equality.
When to Conduct Gender Analysis?
The analysis of gender can be executed at different stages of a policy or a program. Ideally, gender analysis is suitable before designing and implementing a policy or program and after a policy or program is executed.
At what level gender analysis can be conducted?
There are three different levels that you can execute gender analysis. Choosing the right option depends on the needs of your policy or program.
- Micro level
- Meso level
- Macro level
What are the steps of gender analysis?
Broadly speaking there are four key steps to carry out a gender analysis. These are
- Designing and Planning
- Data Collection
- Identify Gender Inequalities
- Designing Informed Policies
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