In a world of highly gender binary, children learn gender roles from a young age. As the world is evolving so is the idea of gender identification. Individuals are now encouraged to choose their gender identity based on their feelings. Hence, we now frequently hear the words nonbinary, trans, genderqueer, gender fluid or gender-neutral etc. But are the negative impacts of gender-neutral or nonbinary Ideology? Let’s find out.
A Little Introduction to the Topic
Politicians, corporations, and celebrities are voicing up in support and showing solidarity with people who identify themselves as nonbinary or trans. This is a good thing because nonbinary people are part of our society and their existence should be supported.
But, support from famous people and brands is highlighted by the media that spreads the ideology to the masses. Consequently, more and more people, especially youngsters, are diving in to explore and transition their gender identities.
Now, there are people who do not fit in the binary features of female or male bodies known as Intersex people. despite that people are born with male or female biological features.
The hype fascinates and grabs the attention of people allowing them to question their gender or even sexual identity. This leads to people who find themselves uncomfortable with the sex that was assigned to them during their birth. Therefore, they look for transitions.
But the issue is how embracing gender neutrality or transitioning to trans or non-binary affects individuals. Authorities, brands, and companies should not ignore the associated challenges before embracing individuals to transition their gender or sexual identity.
Below you will find the potential negative impacts of the gender-neutral ideology movement and its consequences on individuals.
1. Division of Binary and non-Binary
There are people who identify them as trans and as non-binary. But the real question arises what is the percentage of such people as compared to people who identify them as binary?
According to research published by the Pew Research Center in June 2022, only “… 1.6% of U.S. adults are transgender or non-binary – whereas only 5.1% of adults who are under 30 identify themselves as trans or non-binary”.
The data above reveals that 94.9% to 98.4% of the U.S. population are people who don’t consider themselves as trans or non-binary. And a very small segment of the population identifies themselves as trans or non-binary.
Against this background, school administrations, brands, politicians, and celebrities should really investigate the negative impacts of gender neutrality before embracing non-binary or gender ideology movements.
Especially, when the difference in the given percentage of the two segments of society, (1) who are trans or non-binary and (2) who are binary, is too broad.
Gender equality and inclusion in a society should be promoted but it doesn’t make sense that a small group sabotages the whole society?
2. Medical and Emotional Implications
Promoting gender-inclusive, gender-neutral, or non-binary ideologies might appear harmless at first sight. But this can be the starting point for a ten-year-old girl or a boy to encounter deep and complex thoughts that may leave lifelong impressions on their mind and personality.
Sadly, schools, media, and brands are targeting the young generation who are so vulnerable that they aren’t even capable to earn and feed themselves.
Children have to rely on their parents or an elderly person to look after them – in short, they need a babysitter. But suddenly they are so mature that they can decide whether they are trans or non-binary.
The young generation who is exposed to such ideas and transitions goes through cross-sex hormones, and puberty blockers with irreversible surgery procedures. All these can damage a person’s reproductive capabilities with possible psychological distress.
3. Gender Identity and Social Well-Being
Studies show that people who are uncertain about their gender identity reportedly feel less authentic in society as compared to people who identify themselves as binary (Wickham, Nunspeet, & Ellemers, 2022).
Whereas, Sutton (2020) states that “…the more authentic people are, the greater their well-being and engagement is”. Her study shows a positive relationship between authenticity and social well-being.
Individuals who are uncertain about their identities depict low belongingness and self-esteem. Such people are victims of identity crises.
As documented by the Independent Women’s Forum’s Identity Crises series, there are clear examples of individuals who detransitioned as they experienced the harm of transitioning their bodies.
The young generation who are generally forced into uniqueness by peer pressure affirms themselves as non-binary which leads to confusion and identity crises.
Whereas, individuals who suffer from identity crises have low self-esteem and find it difficult to build and maintain healthy relationships, ultimately suffering their whole life.
4. Playing with Young Minds
There are some realities that can’t just be ignored no matter what!
Among them, one fact is that the majority of humans are born with either female or male biological features. Hence, the message endorsed by popular brands, celebrities, media, politicians, and educational institutes that discourage this reality is utterly absurd.
Promoting such ideologies will raise a generation of confused people with identity crises.
To get a clear understanding let’s assume a boy who admires cooking or making jewelry. To follow his interests or dreams if he shops in the girl’s section doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with his sexual orientation. But the world today is so busy in promoting false images without exploring its enduring impact on societies.
5. Corporations are Making Money
The sole goal of any business out there is to make money. Brands and corporations embrace ideas that have the potential to make a profit.
Supporting and talking about gender-neutral or non-binary ideas has become a trend that most want to follow. To be part of this new fashion companies and brands have jumped in without realizing its devastating impacts on individuals and society.
They are more interested in joining the race and earning their share.
Embracing gender-neutral, non-binary products by brands might depict a step towards inclusivity and solidarity. But the reality is that they are adopting marketing tactics that let them stand out so they can make a profit.
6. Unacceptable Change by Audience
Companies and well-known brands have joined the race by embracing and introducing gender-neutral marketing strategies but it may not be appealing to a bigger population.
In this ever-changing world, the young generation, to be specific teens and kids, might welcome brands that are embracing gender-neutral strategies. On the contrary, it might be difficult for the senior citizens to embrace the idea. People who spend most of their lives with clear gender lines may find blurring those lines problematic.
Endorsing gender-neutral marketing or ideas may have a negative impact on consumer behavior and society. You as an individual or as a company should be aware of the consequences before supporting the gender ideology movement.
Concluding Remarks
This blog post does not oppose and discourage people who are not recognized as biologically male or female at birth. But it is an attempt to uncover the potential risks associated with blindly supporting a cause that can have devastating effects on societies at large.
There are a number of seen and unseen harms that underlie the idea of transitioning sex and gender identity. Sadly, the negative side is completely ignored by the media and authorities. And if someone raises their voice they are targeted in the name of gender disparity and discrimination.
How do you see the ideology of non-binary, trans, or gender-neutral? Do you think the negative side discussed above has weightage or not? Share your thoughts in the comments below.